One can only manage what has been accounted and measured

Our logo is our philosophy

First we derivate then we integrate

We audit the company to identify and breakdown each step on the process, to then put it back together in the most harmonically efficient design creating an organic flow that contain metrics all along the way

This process results in the creation of a controlled environment that identifies interruptions, bottlenecks or breakdowns and alert the manager to proceed with corrective action, restoring the structure to the original design

This way management can truly oversee without falling into micromanagement, and devote itself to the vision of the company and the mid and long term goals

Our Process & Services


Operational Audits

Internal Assessment of a process or the entire company

Why you should do it?

It is a rejuvenating update of the existing process based on actual situation, capabilities and resources.

When was that last time the process was reviewed, designed or redesigned or even questioned?

Most people become part of an existing process that becomes unquestionable legacy; but rarely one questions

• Why are we doing this in this way?,

• Is there a better way to do it?,

• What is the latest that we can use to improve this process?,

• Do we really need it?,

• How much is costing us or producing?

Operational Audits by GTZ Group provide all these answers and more and do not interfere with the ongoing process


Custom Metrics

Once everything that needs to be counted and accounted has been identified, it comes the creation of an agreed and structured value system that objectively quantifies and evaluates (Y/N) the outcome of a step or process


Everyone is different and most be measured by the correct unit

Assigning the correct units promotes growth, while the wrong units, besides providing wrong information, discourage workers and create confusion


Data Capture, Collection & Structuring

We collect Data from all relevant steps. Then structure the unstructured data when needed –quantification-, and then arrange it into a flexible Database that provides all kind of information & Intelligence for very well informed decision making


We know what to do with the data generated by your company and your processes, and use it in the most useful way to assist the decision making process


DataBase - Design & Development

Numbers, numbers, numbers.  Everything needs to be quantified –turned into data- that when combined created intelligence


This step creates incredible value to the company, not only at an operational level, but real quantifiable financial value in the event of an acquisition


Turnaround Management

When a process needs to be reengineered, redesigned or just optimize in order to provide the expected return, efficiency or benefit.

This process can be applied to the entire organization


We turn the science of properly allocating all resources into a art and viceversa, that is the magic or corporate reengineering



By using the Intelligence available through the Database is possible to identify correctly what needs to be addressed and make those and only those changes that bring the desired results, without altering the rest of the process


Once resources have been properly allocated and reorganized, and with the proper and accurate information provided by the data, it is possible to fine tune the processes and procedures to achieve maximum impact

This process creates a cycle of continuous improvement


Monitoring Systems

Once the system has been optimized, key alarms are installed to maintain the efficiency momentum and proceed with timely corrective action when needed


It is a rejuvenating update of the existing process based on actual situation, capabilities and resources.

When was that last time the process was reviewed, designed or redesigned or even questioned?

Most people become part of an existing process that becomes unquestionable legacy; but rarely one questions

• Why are we doing this in this way?,

• Is there a better way to do it?,

• What is the latest that we can use to improve this process?,

• Do we really need it?,

• How much is costing us or producing?

Operational Audits by GTZ Group provide all these answers and more and do not interfere with the ongoing process

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